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5th IFSEA International Conference on Executive & Founder Issues

  • Saddlers’ Hall 40 Gutter Lane London, EC2V 6BR United Kingdom (map)

One-Day Conference: Tuesday, 25 June 2024, 8.00 am – 6.00 pm (closing reception at 6.00 pm)
(Welcome Evening Drinks Reception: Monday, 24 June 2024, 6.00 pm – 8.30 pm)
Venue: Saddlers’ Hall, 40 Gutter Lane, London EC2V 6BR

Conference Sponsors:

The 5th IFSEA Conference on Risk, Reward and Reputation Management for Senior Executives & Founders took place on 24/25 June 2024 in London, addressing some of the most cutting-edge issues affecting business leaders and founders - and their professional advisers. See below the full conference agenda or download here.

View more photos from the IFSEA Conference 2024 here.

Monday 24 June 2024



Welcome Evening Drinks Reception 

                                         Kindly sponsored by Innangard        


A couple of women holding glassesDescription automatically generated

Boomer to Zoomer: Connecting Generations in the Workplace 

Join us over drinks for this enlightening discussion with two award-winning authors. Discover your generation’s traits, how to connect with generations XYZ (and beyond) and learn how business leaders can successfully integrate 5 generations in the modern workplace.

Esther Stanhope, The Impact Guru, Speaker, Author & Personal Impact Expert, UK
Alisa Grafton, Networking and Generational Expert, UK

Tuesday 25 June 2024 


Registration and Breakfast


Breakfast kindly sponsored by Sherin & Lodgen


Opening Plenary Session

Great Hall 

Managing Executive Health In Times Of Trauma: 

Business leaders and high-profile personalities are often pushed to the edge by the strain of dealing with business and political crises, combined with the public outcry and social media outrage that can often follow. Some often find themselves in a dark place and see no way out. What are the best strategies to protect executives in distress and how do we ensure that those on the front line of business crises are properly supported to avoid cataclysmic consequences?

Lori Deem, Hughes Socol Piers Resnick & Dym, Ltd., USA (Chicago)
Dr Philip Hopley, Cognacity, UK
Joydeep Hor, People + Culture Strategies, Australia (Chair)
Howard Hymanson, Harbottle and Lewis, UK


IFSEA Chair and Innangard, Conference Sponsor, Welcome

09.30 -10.30


Plenary Session

Great Hall

Strategies For Investigating And Defending Allegations Of Executive Wrongdoing: 

At the heart of any investigation is the desire to understand the truth and the need to avoid bias, evidence tampering or otherwise hampering of an investigation, as well as completing an investigation efficiently. These objectives often need to work in parallel with legal, regulatory and criminal matters and, for the executive and organisation alike, to be sensitive to considerable reputational issues at play. Our distinguished panel, variously experienced in high profile US, UK, and French employment, regulatory and criminal investigations, will provide valuable strategies for investigating and strategies for defending allegations of executive wrongdoing. 

Emma Bartlett, CM Murray LLP, UK (Chair)
Lawrence Gresser, Cohen & Gresser, USA (New York)
Camille A. Olson, Seyfarth Shaw LLP, USA (Chicago) 
Ellen Peart, BCL Solicitors, UK
Mohinderpal Sethi KC, Littleton, UK
Mathilde Houet Weil, Weil & Associés, France


Breakout Session 1

Great Hall

Breakout Session 2

Livery Room 

Women, Compensation And Negotiation:

Studies have revealed that women negotiate more successfully than men when representing others in employment and severance negotiations but not for themselves. The reason is often attributed to the gendered expectation of communal behaviour. Is it that women don’t ask for what they deserve? — (as was the theory two decades ago) or is it that women are punished when they do ask—or ask aggressively? And, even if they do negotiate hard, are they still denied gender pay equity for other reasons as the current wage gap data suggests? This panel will address this complex topic and its effect on compensation.

Not Your Client's Mouthpiece: 

The ethical conflicts for advisers between passionately representing their client’s interests and maintaining professional objectivity, personal integrity and obligations to the Court, particularly when your client is a strong-minded business leader or powerful organisation, with their own forceful agenda. How do lawyers maintain their independence and objectivity, and avoid becoming collateral damage?

Wendi Lazar, C-Suite Strategies, LLC, USA (New York) (Chair)
Nicola Rabson, Linklaters, UK
Wendy Walton, Executive & Leadership Coach, UK

Joanna Chatterton, Fox Williams, UK
Atul Gupta, Trilegal, India (Chair)
Carl-Fredrik Hedenström, CFH Law, Sweden
Megan Lopp Mathias, Hinshaw & Culbertson, USA
Niya Phiri, Clyde & Co LLP, UK


 Coffee Break

Court Room


 Breakout Session 3

Great Hall

 Breakout Session 4

Livery Room

Restrictive Covenant Update: Everything you need to know about the latest key developments in 30 minutes!

Restrictive covenants are a common tool for employers to protect their confidential information, trade secrets, and customer relationships. However, the legal landscape of restrictive covenants is constantly evolving.  How do different countries approach the enforcement of restrictive covenants? What are the emerging issues and best practices for drafting and implementing them in the global economy? How do restrictive covenants affect executives in various industries? In this panel, you will hear from experts in the UK, Spain, and the US, who will share their insights and experiences on the regulation and development of restrictive covenants in the UK, US, Spain and the EU.  

Controlling Employee Communications:

The risks of employees in financial services using unauthorized communication apps at work, are huge, including recent record SEC fines. What are the key risks, penalties and potential solutions for executives and businesses to harmonize modern communication practices with regulatory record-keeping requirements? 



Jane Amphlett, Howard Kennedy LLP, UK
Amit Bindra, The Prinz Law Firm, USA (Chicago)
Omar Molina Garcia, Augusta Abogados, Spain
Mark Risk, Mark Risk PC, USA (New York) (Chair)

Simon McMenemy, Ogletree, UK (Chair)
Natalie A. Napierala, Carlton Fields, USA (New York)
Sebastian Sayer, Fox Williams, UK


5 minute room transition




Breakout Session 5

Great Hall

Breakout Session 6

Livery Room 

Sexual Harassment, Bullying And The Regulators – What Are The Regulators Doing And Is The Law Starting To Catch Up? 

Exploring the proposed new FCA rules on non-financial conduct and the impact of the recent SRA and other regulators’ interventionist approaches to attempt to eradicate sexual harassment and bullying. What new and proposed legislation might also bring meaningful change?

Handling A Financial Crisis: Directors' Duties in The Face Of A Business In Trouble And Potential Insolvency & How To Find The Road To Recovery 

When times get tough, senior executives and founders face significant risks, often across multiple jurisdictions and disciplines. This panel delves into these key risks and strategies for mitigation or avoidance, while also examining the long-term implications. Discover how to navigate through and ultimately move on from involvement with a troubled business.

Claire Cross, Corker Binning, UK
Sarah Chilton, CM Murray LLP (Chair) 
James Hockin, Withers, UK
Andrew Pavlovic, CM Murray LLP, UK
Henry Perlowski, Arnall Golden Gregory, USA (Atlanta)

Vernon Dennis, Howard Kennedy LLP, UK
Andrew Katzen, Hickman & Rose, UK
Dr Johannes Traut, Seitz, Germany
Denise K. Drake, Polsinelli, USA (Kansas City)
Corinne Staves, CM Murray LLP, UK (Chair)


Lunch Break

Court Room/Courtyard

Lunch kindly sponsored by Withersworldwide






Lunch & Learn Discussion
Great Hall 

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the C-Suite and Senior Executives:

This fireside chat will delve into the broad implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the workplace, focusing particularly on how it reshapes the roles and responsibilities of senior executives and the C-Suite. 

From the dual perspectives of technology companies and law firms, we will explore topics including, the impact of AI on workplaces, culture, executive and C-suite duties and roles, and the key strategic challenges companies need to address.

Ruma Bose, Clearco, USA (New York)
Dorothy Chou, DeepMind, UK
Matt Meyer, Mishcon De Reya, UK
Doug Mandell, Withers, USA (California) (Chair)



Afternoon Plenary Session

Great Hall


Reputation Management For Executives And Founders: 

Themes and lessons from high-profile PR and crisis management issues of the last year.

Simon Lewis, Lewis Advisors LLP, UK
David Yelland, Kitchen Table Partners, UK
(co-hosts of BBC Radio 4’s brilliant PR & Crisis Communications Podcast “When It Hits The Fan”)
Jenny Afia, Schillings International LLP, UK (Chair) 

5 min room transition


Breakout Session 7

Great Hall 

 Breakout Session 8

Livery Room 

Polarized But Protected:  

How do you create an inclusive workplace where polarized but protected employee views on global politics and war, gender identity and gender critical theory, and religion and sexuality can safely co-exist?

What is the future of working from anywhere? 

The tax, immigration, compliance and HR issues, as well as team connectivity and the developing trends for working remotely.

Kelly M. Dermody, Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP, USA (San Francisco) (Chair)
Lucy Lewis, Lewis Silkin, UK
Aileen McColgan KC, 11KBW, UK
André Royer, Borden Ladner Gervais, Canada (Montreal)

Sophie Barrett-Brown, Laura Devine Immigration, UK
Katja Halonen, AURORALAW Attorneys Ltd, Finland
Christoph Rechsteiner, MME Legal, Switzerland
Helen Ruelle, Ogier, (Jersey, Channel Islands)
David Yewdall, BDO, UK (Chair)

5 minute room transition









Breakout Session 9

Great Hall

Breakout Session 10

Livery Room

Whistleblowing Update: Everything you need to know about the latest key developments in 30 minutes!
What works best for whistleblowing, the carrot or the stick? Traditionally Europe prioritised the anti-retaliatory model, whilst the US operates very generous incentive systems by an increasing number of regulators. Are financial rewards to whistleblowers the best way forward? And what new developments are looming in the horizon following the EU whistleblowing directive?  In the UK, following various scandals and the government’s review of the legal framework, where are we now, and what improvements are needed?
The FTC Ban on Non-Competes: Questions for the Morning After? A Fireside Discussion between US and UK advisers
The FTC has banned non-competition clauses in most US employment contracts, affecting millions of workers. The ban aims to boost labour mobility, innovation, and competition, but it raises new questions and challenges for employers and employees. To whom does the ban apply? How will it impact current and future contracts, severance deals, and lawsuits? How will the rule relate to existing state laws and court rulings on non-competes? How will employers now seek to protect their confidential information? How will it affect employers and executives in the UK and elsewhere in the world with US operations and US employment and equity arrangements?

Grahame Anderson, Littleton, UK
Inge Arts, Van Hall, Netherlands
Amy F. Shulman, Outten & Golden, USA (New York)
Sybille Raphael, Protect, UK (Chair)

Amit Bindra, The Prinz Law Firm, USA (Chicago)
Jonathan Cohen KC, Littleton, UK
Denise K. Drake, Polsinelli, USA (Kansas City)
Mark Risk, Mark Risk PC, USA (New York) (Chair)


5 minute room transition



Breakout Session 11

Great Hall

Breakout Session 12

Livery Room 

He Said; She Said – Who Should You Believe?     

How do you decide who to believe in a sexual misconduct investigation when it’s one person’s word against the other? An exploration of the key legal and evidential issues in making factual findings in the face of tricky allegations of sexual and other serious wrongdoing. 

Clawback And Forfeiture In Shareholder, Partnership & Executive Agreements: 

The current law and practice in the light of recent caselaw with leading UK and US employment and partnership law specialists in this area.

Peter Csemiczky, Hickman & Rose, UK
Emily Kaufer, Human Rights & Harassment, Air Canada, Canada
Suzanne McKie KC, Farore Law, UK (Chair)
Lindsey Wagner, Moxie Mediation & Investigation, USA (California & Ohio)

Jeremy Callman, Ten Old Square, UK
Greg Campbell, Mishcon De Reya, UK
Richard Leiper KC, 11KBW, UK
Brian MacDonough, Sherin & Lodgen, USA (Boston)
David Fisher, CM Murray LLP, UK (Chair)


 Coffee & Drinks Break



Closing Plenary Session

Great Hall

Kindly sponsored by Byfield Reputation Counsel 

Would We Act For Weinstein? 

In a democratic society those accused of wrongdoing are entitled to legal representation no matter the allegations that they face, but what are the ethical, legal, reputational, generational, and even personal safety issues that advisers should and do take into account in deciding whether or not to act, or to continue to act when darker truths start to emerge. 

An interactive audience discussion in a Samoan Circle format.

Colleen Cleary, CC Solicitors, Ireland
Inge Derde, Bellaw, Van Eeckhoutte, Taquet & Clesse, Belgium
Wonu Sanda, CM Murray LLP, UK
Gus Sellitto, Byfield Reputation Counsel, UK
Cathy Qu, River Delta Law, China
Veena Gopalakrishnan, Trilegal, India (Facilitator)
Beth Hale, CM Murray LLP, UK (Facilitator)



Closing Remarks 

Evening Drinks Event - Courtyard - Kindly sponsored by Trilegal 


Panel co-ordinators: Rachael Parker, Mitchell Blythe & Anaya Price, CM Murray LLP

This event is open to:
• Senior Executives and Founders
• Employment law, equity and incentive specialists
• Immigration lawyers and international executive mobility specialists 
• Regulatory and criminal law specialists
• Private wealth and tax specialists
• Reputation management lawyers
• HR professionals
• Senior recruitment specialists
• Executive coaches
• PR advisers to Senior Executives and Founders worldwide

View photos from the IFSEA Conference 2023 below:

View more photos from the IFSEA Conference here.

IFSEA Conference 2023: Post-conference podcasts:

  1. What You Need to Know Right Now on Restrictive Covenants and Confidential Information

  2. Ethical Handling of Executive Investigations

  3. Executive Relationships at work – ban, boundaries or blind eye?

  4. How Executives get the best out of their teams

  5. Anatomy of a Transaction: Key Issues for Executives and Founders Selling Their Business and What Protections are Worth Fighting For?

  6. The Plague of the Narcissistic Leader

  7. Board Pay: Heightened scrutiny of CEO and executive compensation

  8. Engaging constructively with the activist workforce

This event is open to:

• Senior Executives and Founders
• Employment law, equity and incentive specialists
• Immigration lawyers and international executive mobility specialists 
• Regulatory and criminal law specialists
• Private wealth and tax specialists
• Reputation management lawyers
• HR professionals
• Senior recruitment specialists
• Executive coaches
• PR advisers to Senior Executives and Founders worldwide

21 May

Breaking Down Barriers - Women in Sport - An IFSEA Evening Event