The Plague of the Narcissistic Leader

Following the recent 4th IFSEA International Conference on Risk, Reward and Reputation Management Issues for Senior Executives & Founders, we are delighted to share with you a follow up podcast on the closing plenary session, 'The Plague of the Narcissistic Leader.'

In this discussion between the IFSEA annual conference panellists, this brilliant panel examine the damage that narcissistic leaders can inflict on corporations and explore the potential solutions.

In particular, the panel discuss: 

  • The behaviours and qualities that are exhibited by a narcissistic leader - what are the hallmarks and are there any positives?

  • The impact that working for a narcissistic leader can have on the culture of a workforce - is it really an issue or do we have an oversensitive new generation of workers?  

  • What are the financial, institutional, and human costs associated with having narcissistic senior leaders and why do some boards continue to tolerate them? 

  • Practical strategies for businesses and their advisers to mitigate the risk of hiring and harbouring narcissistic leaders and driving inclusive leadership.

Wonu Sanda, CM Murray LLP, UK 
Lori L. Deem, Hughes Socol Piers Resnick DYM, Chicago, USA
Trisha Daho, Empowered Leadership Cultivation, Chicago, USA 
Kevin Hogarth, Assentar Ltd, UK 

We also thank Matt Myer of Mishcon de Reya (UK), who was unable to join the podcast, but attended as a panellist on the day of the conference and provided excellent insights.


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