Engaging constructively with the activist workforce

Following the 4th IFSEA International Conference on Risk, Reward and Reputation Management Issues for Senior Executives & Founders in June 2023, we are delighted to share with you a follow up podcast on the interesting topic of ‘Engaging constructively with the activist workforce’.

In this discussion, the IFSEA annual conference panellists explore the prevalence of individual and collective activism amongst employees from a transcontinental perspective. Although this informative discussion focuses on the activism experiences in the United States, United Kingdom, Norway and Spain, the trends discussed are relevant to every jurisdiction:

Georgina Calvert-Lee, Bellevue Law, UK
Pål Kvernaas, Haavind AS, Norway
Carlos Pareja Frade, Augusta Abogados, Spain
Chair: Danny J. Kaufer, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Montréal, Canada

In particular, the panel discuss:

  • The difference between collective and individual activism.

  • What is the line to be drawn between personal and professional activism – should employers be responsible for their employee’s social media free speech?

  • The impact of trade unions on collective and individual activism.

  • The future of collective and individual activism – should individual activism be regulated internally by employers or more broadly by statute?


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