Following the recent 3rd IFSEA International Conference on Risk, Reward and Reputation Management Issues for Senior Executives & Founders, we are delighted to share with you a follow up video and podcast on the opening plenary session, ‘You’re cancelled! – Are Senior Executives and Founders Properly equipped to respond to generational changes in expectations and cultural norms in the evolving workplace, and how can they best drive inter-generational understanding and collaboration?’

Watch the video or listen to the podcast here.

This session discussed some of the big cultural changes facing Senior Executives and how they can best equip themselves to embrace these changes going forward. The follow up video and podcast explore the following themes discussed by our international panel:

  • What is “cancel culture”? Is it more than an expression of opinion or online abuse, and a concerted effort to destroy a person’s reputation because of their opinions?

  • Who matters in a “cancelling” crisis? Who are the affected stakeholders?

  • Our LinkedIn poll showed that cultural issues are the biggest point of intergenerational conflict; what can be done to handle these conflicting views?

  • We are living in an age where people are being expected to bring their “whole self” to work; what does this mean and how do the expectations of current generations differ?

  • The benefits of including younger generations in decision-making and business communication; how the way in which something is said is just as important as what is said.

We have thoroughly enjoyed exploring this topic and thank our expert panel for their excellent and insightful contributions:
Jenny Afia, Schillings (UK)
Joydeep Hor, People + Culture Strategies (Australia)
Danny J. Kaufer, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (Canada)
Louise O’Connor, CM Murray LLP (UK)
David Yewdall, International Employment Tax, Smith & Williamson (UK) 
Chair: Merrill April, CM Murray LLP (UK)

 If you have any questions regarding the issues raised in this podcast recording, or would like to discuss cultural changes facing Senior Executives further, please contact our Partner Merrill April and Senior Associate Louise O’Connor, both of whom specialise in employment and partnership issues for senior executives, multinational employers, partnerships, LLPs, partners and LLP members.


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